GARGOYLES: Liz Tells Frank Live Ep. 4

Dear Frank,

We’ve been through some dark times in our recent live adventures. But now, let’s spend some time in the light. (Ironically, we’ll be doing so by talking about nocturnal fictional creatures, but whatevs.)

“Gargoyles”! One of the world’s most beloved shows, as decided universally by Liz Millers aged 13. Mythology! Shakespeare references! A profoundly engaging and weird Will They or Won’t They! It’s nigh impossible to capture all of the crazy that Disney, for some reason, let air for two glorious seasons on weekday afternoons. I just know it was the best thing to ever happen to me, and in the below podcast, I do my best to explain why.

Check out the YouTube video here:

Audio-only version:

Special thanks to producer David Nett, Nerdstrong Gym for hosting, live-tweeter Kim, our bell-master, guest introducer Casey Schreiner, the live studio audience for attending, and as always, you for listening!


Liz Tells Frank LIVE: “Mad Max”! All of Them! COMING SOON!

Dear Frank,

Mad Max poster

It’s happening. Are you ready?

You’re maybe not. But don’t worry. You have some time to prepare. June 12th at Nerdstrong in North Hollywood. More details here and on Facebook. Rev up!


Meredith Tells Liz What Happened In “The Comeback”

Dear Liz,

MV5BMTUxNDU4MjY3OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMDI2OTg5MjE@._V1_SX214_AL_Okay, have you watched The Comeback? Because if you haven’t then you really should. People are saying it’s meta and I’m not sure what that means but it sounds cool and for some reason, it reminds me of the Transformers although I’m not entirely sure why. Anyway, The Comeback is the best and Lisa Kudrow should win all the awards forever and ever and when I say all the awards, I mean all of them. Emmys, Oscars, Tonys, Grammys, golf trophies, bowling trophies. She’s just that good.

Lisa Kudrow plays Valerie Cherish, a washed up actress whose claim to fame was being in show called, I’m It a long, long time ago and her career stalled. The Comeback first aired in 2005, thirteen months after the finale of that other show she did about the six friends who drank a lot of coffee. I don’t know, I didn’t watch it…more than five times in a row. Although, it is kinda, maybe, sorta weird because looking at Lisa Kudrow’s Wikipedia page between the end of that coffee shop friendship show and The Comeback, there isn’t anything really.  So I guess in Hollywood speak, her career wasn’t going well.

Anyway, back in 2005, Valerie Cherish is a struggling actress who lands on a show called, “Room and Bored” where she plays Aunt Sassy whose tagline is, “note to self: I don’t wanna see that.” And she also wears an ugly track suit. Room and Bored reminds me of Three’s Company meets first season of “Facts of Life” meets “Too Close for Comfort“…meets just not good television. Read the rest of this entry

POLL: What should the next Liz Tells Frank Live cover?

We’re working on this question right now, as plans begin to emerge for the March edition! And maybe you might help us choose between…

(Anyone who mentions the “Rollerball” remake gets kicked in the nards. Just an FYI.)

FIFTY SHADES OF GREY: Liz Tells Frank Live Ep. 3

Dear Frank,

How I wish I could say that, in our most recent live adventure, I told you everything that was bonkers dumb about the publishing phenomenon/blockbuster/BDSM misrepresentation “Fifty Shades of Grey.” Because oh god, there is SO MUCH to tell you about! But I did tell you a LOT about it, most importantly the complete backstory about this story’s roots and what it means for fan culture.

YouTube version:

And audio-only, available via iTunes or below!

This presentation includes swears, dancing vampires, “Saturday Night Live” sketches and (unlike the actual film) the notorious tampon scene. Thank you, Frank, for letting it happen. And thanks to everyone who helped make it possible!

Do you want to be cool like them? Well, the next Liz Tells Frank: Live is COMING SOON. Get ready for March. Get ready for something we genuinely love.


PS: Please don’t forget that our dear friend John told us in detail about the books a couple of years ago. Our struggle is real, and ongoing. Forever thanks to John.

Welcome to Liz Tells Frank!

Liz Tells Frank What Happened In… is a lot of things:

  • A live show and podcast!
  • A series of books, ranging from best-of collections to the ever-popular Skip It/Watch It Guides.
  • A blog going back years, that covers everything from Arrow to Zardoz.

The one common thread: Saving people, most especially including Liz’s friend Frank, from some of pop culture’s most ridiculous moments. Enjoy!